On May 27, 2008, A visit to Korea broadened Hu Lu』s horizon and his interest was directed to overseas collection and research. In a Korean folk village, various kinds of gourd products were on display, such as utensils in the farming period and in the era of small farmers' economy. For their value and special meanings, these gourds are not for sale. One set of the gourd utensils used to contain seeds attracted Hu Lu』s attention. For several times, Hu Lu visited the owner


2014年,第一屆世界詩人大會在韓國召開,曲阜孔子文化學院副院長國偉先生同曲阜「葫蘆張」應邀出席了大會,會間韓國京畿道教育總監趙成胤先生邀請與會專家學者到他家做客,並向國偉贈送了他編纂的《趙成胤的葫蘆故事》一書,趙成胤自己種葫蘆,加工製作葫蘆藝術品,這些都一一記錄在他這本書里。國偉拿到這本韓國葫蘆文化資料,風趣地對趙成胤說,我們一同來了一位是中國的「葫蘆張」,那你就是韓國的「葫蘆趙」了。趙成胤對一得此名感到非常高興。接着國偉又向這位韓國的「葫蘆趙」介紹說:「中國曲阜還有一位著名寫意葫蘆畫家、葫蘆文化研究著名學者扈魯先生,我要把你所編著的這本書轉送給他,陳列到他所創辦的葫蘆博物館裏,歡迎您方便時訪問中國,到葫 蘆博物館做客。」國偉回國後向扈魯講述了韓國之行這段故事,並轉送了這本書,扈魯接過《趙成胤的葫蘆故事》如獲至寶,這是他所收藏的第一本韓國葫蘆文化資料,對國先生心存感激。2016年,第二屆世界詩人大會在中國曲阜召開,在國偉先生的引見下,韓國「葫蘆趙」如約走進葫蘆博物館,像是老友重逢,同扈魯緊緊地擁抱在一起……
In 2014, the First General Conference of the Traditional Poetry Writers was held in Korea, and Mr. Guo Wei, Vice President of Qufu Confucius Culture Academy, and 「Gourd Zhang」 (a master of gourd culture) were invited to attend the conference. During the meeting, Mr. Cho Seong Yun, Education Director of Gyeonggi Province, invited the scholars to his home, where he presented Guo Wei with his book Cho Seong Yun』s Gourd Stories in which stories about his planting gourds, processing and making gourd artworks were told. With this book on


On October 25, 2018, a delegation of experts and scholars from Korea visited the Gourd Culture Museum. Hu Lu showed the Korean friends his collections including special-shaped gourds, knotted gourds, long-stemmed gourds, egg-gourds, as well as chess pieces and instruments made of gourds. In front of a group of clay sculptures titled 「Life Accompanied by Gourds」, Hu Lu introduced in detail the gourd elements of folk culture. At different stages of life, a person is accompanied by different customs of the gourd culture, thus reflecting the unique status of a gourd in the folk culture. The Korean friends were greatly fascinated. At the sight of a scene showing a Korean custom of trampling on gourds in a Kor
